ZPC Admin Commands

ZPC Admin Commands

Command Usage/Description
amx_kick Kicks the specified player from the server. Usage: amx_kick [player] (e.g., amx_kick PlayerName)
amx_ban Bans a player for a specified time or permanently. Usage: amx_ban [player] [time] (e.g., amx_ban PlayerName 60 to ban for 60 minutes)
amx_slay Kills the specified player (slays them). Usage: amx_slay [player]
amx_slap Slaps the player, causing them to take small damage. Usage: amx_slap [player]
amx_map Changes the current map to the specified one. Usage: amx_map [mapname] (e.g., amx_map zm_foda)
amx_votemap Initiates a vote to change the map. Usage: amx_votemap [mapname] (e.g., amx_votemap zm_dust_world)
amx_votekick Starts a vote to kick a player. Usage: amx_votekick [player] (e.g., amx_votekick PlayerName)
amx_voteban Starts a vote to ban a player. Usage: amx_voteban [player] (e.g., amx_voteban PlayerName)
amx_vote Initiates a vote with any reason. Usage: amx_vote [reason] (e.g., amx_vote Map Change?)
amx_say Sends a message to all players on the server. Usage: amx_say [message] (e.g., amx_say Attention!)
amx_chat Sends a message to admins only. Usage: amx_chat [message] (e.g., amx_chat Admins, please check this)
amx_gag Prevents a player from speaking in the chat (mute them). Usage: amx_gag [player] (e.g., amx_gag PlayerName)
Special Commands

Special Commands

Command Usage/Description
zpc_givelm Gives the player the Lasermine (LM). Usage: zpc_givelm <nick>
zpc_removelm Removes the Lasermine from the player. Usage: zpc_removelm <nick>
zpc_goldenmp5 Gives the player a Golden MP5 submachine gun. Usage: zpc_goldenmp5 <nick>
zpc_goldenm4a1 Gives the player a Golden M4A1 rifle. Usage: zpc_goldenm4a1 <nick>
zpc_goldenak Gives the player a Golden AK-47 assault rifle. Usage: zpc_goldenak <nick>
zpc_chainsaw Gives the player a Chainsaw weapon. Usage: zpc_chainsaw <nick>
zpc_jetpack Gives the player a Jetpack to fly. Usage: zpc_jetpack <nick>
zpc_sawnoff Gives the player a Sawed-Off Shotgun. Usage: zpc_sawnoff <nick>
zpc_plazmagun Gives the player a Plazma Gun. Usage: zpc_plazmagun <nick>
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