Extra items |
Unlocks special extra items (Zombie/Human). |
Human skin (S.W.A.T) |
Unlocks a special S.W.A.T. human skin for your character. |
Zombie Skin (Red Predator) |
Unlocks a unique zombie skin with red predator theme. |
Knife Human (Hammer) |
Provides a hammer as a special melee weapon. |
Special Hats (9) |
Unlocks 9 different special hats for your character. |
Multijump (2) |
Allows the player to jump twice in one jump sequence. |
Armor (100) |
Gives the player 100 additional armor points for better defense. |
Health (200) |
Increases the player's health to 200 for more durability. |
Speed (250.0) |
Boosts the player's movement speed to 250.0 units. |
Damage Power (0.20%) |
Increases the player's damage power by 0.20%. |
RPG Bazooka (Free every time) |
Provides the player with a free RPG Bazooka every time they spawn. |
Prefix status VIP |
Adds a VIP prefix to your name, making your status visible to others. |
Prefix /vips |
Allows other players to view the list of VIPs using the /vips command. |
Your VIP status will be displayed in the in-game scoreboard (TAB). |
On connecting |
Displays a special message when you connect to the server, announcing your VIP status. |