VIP Privileges

VIP Privileges

Item Details
Extra items Unlocks special extra items (Zombie/Human).
Human skin (S.W.A.T) Unlocks a special S.W.A.T. human skin for your character.
Zombie Skin (Red Predator) Unlocks a unique zombie skin with red predator theme.
Knife Human (Hammer) Provides a hammer as a special melee weapon.
Special Hats (9) Unlocks 9 different special hats for your character.
Multijump (2) Allows the player to jump twice in one jump sequence.
Armor (100) Gives the player 100 additional armor points for better defense.
Health (200) Increases the player's health to 200 for more durability.
Speed (250.0) Boosts the player's movement speed to 250.0 units.
Damage Power (0.20%) Increases the player's damage power by 0.20%.
RPG Bazooka (Free every time) Provides the player with a free RPG Bazooka every time they spawn.
Prefix status VIP Adds a VIP prefix to your name, making your status visible to others.
Prefix /vips Allows other players to view the list of VIPs using the /vips command.
TAB Your VIP status will be displayed in the in-game scoreboard (TAB).
On connecting Displays a special message when you connect to the server, announcing your VIP status.
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